Home / News / Various Sludge / C.C. Banana joins Tramp’s White Lion tour! 3/15/05

C.C. Banana joins Tramp’s White Lion tour! 3/15/05



(one night only)

Our 2003 Sludgeaholic of the Year, Mr. C.C. Banana is everywhere today!

First he does a 20 Questions live on stage with comedian Craig Gass (posted 3/15/05), and now he’s been asked to join the Mike Tramp’s White Lion / Enuff Z’Nuff tour at their appearance in New Jersey tonight!

What will the Banana be doing on stage? Will he be giving away bananas? Will he sing a song? Will Monaco come out of nowhere and tackle him again? Who the fuck knows, but C.C. Banana will be there, so you’ll just have to show up to find out.

If you’re anywhere in the NYC or New Jersey area tonight, it’s your duty as a Sludgeaholic to go out and witness this huge event! Just so there’s no excuses, here’s the club information for your convenience:

620 Van Houton Ave.
Clifton, NJ
Tel. 973-773-7865

Have fun, and maybe bring a hockey mask or football helmet… you know, for your own protection.

Metal Sludge
Come for the Tramp, stay for the Banana

About Metal Sludge

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