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February Sludgeaholic of the month Matt Dacey.

February Sludgeaholic of the month Matt Dacey.


Matt with his priorities in line – surfing Metal Sludge.

1. Tell us about who you are and why you deserve to be mentioned on Metal Sludge?
I’m Matt Dacey, originally from Cincinnati, now residing in Lexington, Kentucky.  I’ve been coming to Metal Sludge since early 1999, and I bought one of the Fancy-Ass green Poison Sludge shirts the very first day they went on sale.  Once upon a time, I was the host of a show called Matt’s Metal Mortuary on WRFL at the University of Kentucky.  It was only college radio, but I had a total blast doing that.  I was very fortunate that my college years happened to coincide with the metal genre’s peak popularity.  I am also a Master Mason and Cincinnati Bengals season-ticket holder.

2. You claim to have got drunk with Ace Frehley of KISS. Who hasn’t? Where are the pictures and tell us about what a mess he really is?

I was at the CMJ Metal Marathon in 1989, and he was on the artist’s panel.  Missi Callazzo from Megaforce had promised to introduce me, and advised me to wait until everyone else had cleared out so I could actually talk to him for a little while.  Unfortunately, Gerri Miller was also waiting around to talk to him, so I only got to talk to him for a couple of minutes.

About a half-hour later, I was getting ready to go wander around NYC with my friends, and I ducked into the bar at the hotel to take a leak.  Lo and behold, Space Ace was sitting at the bar all by himself.  He had drank a six-pack of Heineken during the course of the artist’s panel, and I guess after being interviewed by Bigfoot, he needed to drink some more.  I walked up and said hello, and he asked me if I wanted a beer.  I told my friends (the non-metal contingent from WRFL) to go on without me, so I could hang and drink with Ace.  And truth be told, although he had quite a bit of beer that day, Ace wasn’t in terribly bad shape when I left him.  Then again, Ace paid for all of my beer and gave me a bunch of signed stuff that day, so I’m definitely not gonna say anything bad about him.


Ace Frehley & Matt Dacey! Or is it Ace Dacey & Matt Frehley?

3. You also said: "I Won $32,000 on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire"!  You’re

a man about the
town and then some. How did this all come about anyway?

Back when Regis Philbin hosted the show, they had a 1-800 number you could call and answer trivia questions to qualify.  I used to do that for shits ‘n giggles, and I would usually answer all of the questions correctly, but I never got called back.  Finally, I got the call.  The day I called and qualified was Easter Sunday, 2001, which was also the day Joey Ramone died.  I think Joey might have earned his wings helping me qualify for the show.  There was a memorial to Joey outside of CBGB while I was in NYC for “Millionaire”, and I made it a point to go there.

The episode I was on aired on Mother’s Day, 2001.  Ironically, my little brother’s band, the Brassknuckle Boys, had already booked their CD release party at a club here in Lexington that night.  They set up several TVs throughout the club, and showed “Millionaire”, then after the show was over, the music started.  It was pretty cool. 

I wrote a feature about it for a local magazine and it can be found at http://www.aceweekly.com/Backissues_ACEWeekly/010517/cover_story010517.html.

4. Tell us about your turn ons and your turn offs?

If you’re familiar with the Kiss song “Spit”, that sums up my turn-ons pretty well.  As for turn-offs, I really don’t like girls who look like they need a sandwich.  Sleeping with a skinny girl is like riding a ten-speed bicycle down train tracks.  Also, I hate the Pittsburgh Steelers.

5. Name your favorite and least favorite bands?

The Beatles are my favorite band of all time.  There would be no such thing as heavy metal if the Beatles hadn’t existed.  If you don’t believe that, go ask Lemmy.  He’ll tell you the same thing. 

It would take too much bandwidth to list all the bands I like, but a few band I think deserved more attention than they got would include Vain, the Supersuckers, Nine Pound Hammer, Redd Kross, and Jean Beauvoir.  And I’m not a big country music fan, but I have to give props to Shooter Jennings.  He rocks harder than most rock bands do.

Also, I think the best gimmick going right now would have to be H.I.M.  They’re basically a Blue Oyster Cult tribute band, right down to the vaguely evil-looking symbol.  Plus, they probably have the most rabid fan base of any band out there.  Ville Valo reminds me of Charles Manson in a way.  He could bring down Helter Skelter on a global scale if he wanted to.  Is it really that much of a stretch to go from ripping the wings off a butterfly to hacking up B-movie actresses, hairdressers, and heiresses?

My least favorite would be Creed.  They invented a whole new level of suckage, and I think Scott Stapp’s solo career may very well reach an even higher level in the suck department. 

6. You also lay claim to dining with a member of Iron Maiden. Please do tell?


We see a Creed 12" Vinyl in that pile!


Actually, all of Iron Maiden were there, as well as their wives and kids.  It was backstage at Cincinnati Gardens on the Fear of the Dark tour.  The after show catering consisted of one table full of beer, and another table full of Big Macs and Chicken McNuggets fresh from McDonald’s.  So yes, I ate Chicken McNuggets with Nicko McBrain.  And washed them down with Guinness.  Nicko was quite genteel when it came to making sure nobody was lacking in the cold beer department.

7. If you could knock pubes with any past Sludgette, who would you pick and why?

I never really thought about it.  I’m happily married, and my relationship with my wife is such that I don’t really have the time of day for any other women.

8. You look like such a normal guy. If you could wish for anything to be different about yourself, what would it be and why?

I wouldn’t mind having a full head of hair; it’s starting to get a little thin on top.  But I’ll never use Rogaine or wear any sort of fake hair.  That shit’s for wussies.

More seriously, though, I’ve lost over 80% of my hearing, and I have to wear hearing aids now.  One of the perks of doing metal radio was the fact that the labels were very generous with the guest lists back in those days, and I got to see basically every metal band who toured between 1988 and 1992.  Unfortunately, I didn’t start wearing earplugs until it was too late, and I had seriously damaged my hearing.  The first time I saw Kiss was on the Lick It Up tour, and the t-shirt I bought said “If it’s too loud, you’re too old” on the back.  I think I took that sentiment a little too seriously, and it cost me.  Maybe I should sue Kiss.

9. Your personal motto is : 

I have a couple.  One is “To thine own self be true”.  The other is “Duke Sucks”.


Matt with some chick in a green costume covered in lights!

10. How does it feel finally being a Sludgeaholic of the month?

Indescribable.  Imagine losing your virginity, watching your favorite team win the Super Bowl, and then going to see your favorite band in concert all in the same day. 

11. Is that your final answer?


If anybody wants to know anything else, I can be found at http://www.myspace.com/cheddarpants.

Nice answers Matt, you’ve actually been more entertaining than a slew

of our so called "rock stars" have been. 

Bummer for you as the Steelers win the Super Bowl the day you’re crowned a Sludgeaholic. It might have been worse, the Patriots could’ve won it again!

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Let’s do 50/50 shall we. 50% Metal & 50% Sludge

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