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Hookers n’ Blow in a major auto accident in MASS!

Hookers n’ Blow in auto accident in Massachusettes?


Jizzy Pearl & Alex Grossi of Hookers n’ Blow!



Jizzy Pearl & a wrecked van!

Alex Grossi checks in!

Hello All,

Just wanted to send a note out to everyone thanking you guys for the amazing amount of e-mails, messages and phone calls I have recieved regarding HOOKERS-N-BLOW’s car crash in MASS.–It means a lot, I am currently out of the hospital and back in LA recovering. That was by far the scariest night of my life and I hope it never happens again. Jizzy, Scott and Myself are lucky to have walked away from that mess, the Rock-N-Roll gods must have been looking out!!
Anyway, thank you all again…..hope to see you all out there soon!
rock, Alex Grossi


We’re glad you’re all okay!

Metal Sludge

Hookers n’ Sludge

Jizzy has updated his boards with this:

Hey. Still alive and well. Sunday night Alex, Scott Griffin and I were hit from the rear by a drunk driver going appromixately 70MPH. We crashed into a guardrail and went airborne for what seemed to be about 5 seconds, then spun upside down and skidded for 40 or 50 feet. A ‘rollover’ in cop lingo.

I was front passenger, Scott driving, Alex in back with the gear. We were returning to our hotel after eating at the club when all of a sudden Scott yells ‘FUCK!’ and what feels like a baseball bat slams into my back. The guy had hit us on the right rear and we went crashing into the guardrail bending it into a large U-shape. Then as I said before from there we did some weird ballet thing in the air which was the scariest feeling of all as I had neglected to put my seat belt on. We hit the ground and started sliding and it was like a toboggan ride, all of us with our asses on the roof with sparks flying in all directions. We finally skidded to a stop and climbed out one of the broken out windows. I honestly couldn’t believe I had escaped unscathed, when you see the van pictures you’ll see why. There is this eerie quiet right after an accident, all you hear is the sizzling car sounds and walking on broken glass. People approach cautiously, they look at you weird, like you just fell from the sky. Alex had a bad cut on his head and fucked up ribs and went to the hospital immediately. He is OK. Scott went to another hospital with more fucked up ribs and he is OK. Somehow, miraculously with no seat belt on I emerged with bumps and bruises. All of my shit had flown out of the car, gear, wireless mic shit, all scattered around. The cops and firemen all agreed when they first saw our van they assumed the worst. A scary fucking moment, had he hit us 6 feet earlier we would have gone off an embankment 30 feet down and I would most likely be dead, gone through the windshield or out a window. I think I’ll take today off and count my blessings.

Glad to hear everyone is okay. Note to self: Always wear a seat belt!

Metal Sludge

70 MPH Sludge

Sunday Night: Jizzy Pearl has posted the following on his official message board.

Alex, Scottie and I were in a major car accident last night in Danvers, MASS–Alex had to go to the hospital but he’s OK…more when I wake up tomm.

Jizzy (4-11-2006)

We also got these e-mails earlier today informing us about the accident.

—– Original Message —–

From:  FR

Metal Sludge

Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: Hookers N Blow Major in a major car accident!!! No show at gig!!!

This is very legit. The club and the opening band Jaded both announced this to the crowd. We saw the accident scene from the highway and it was major all kinds of cop cars, fire engines etc. They said no one was kill but someone was seriously injured. The club was in Danvers Mass. called Tequila’s.Management said the band would try to still show but by midnight there was no word. the opening band had to play there set list twice to try and kill time. The crowd was disappointed but everyone understood. The club didnt give the cover charge back but gave out some free drink coupons instead. This information is true as far as Im concerned. I dont think the band or club would fabricate this kind of thing and i did see an accident scene down the road from the club. It suck for the band and I hope ther all recovering. Call the club and Im sure they’ll varify my story.  – Fitz

————– Original message ————–

From: "Metal Sludge"

is this legit, and do you have other info. or proof?

—– Original Message —–

From: SF


Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2006 11:22 PM

Subject: Hookers N Blow Major in a major car accident!!! No show at gig!!!

Hey Sludge,
Went to go see Dizzy Reeds Hookers n Blow tonight in Danvers Mass. When pulling up to the venue we saw a huge accident with cop cars ambulances etc. After we got in the club we were informed that the accident out front was the hookers n blow van that got hit and flipped. They were pulling guitars out of the wreck and the band was rushed to the local hospitol. They were unsure who got hurt and no word on Jizzy Pearl or if Dizzy was even in the van but the opening band had to play a couple of sets hopeing the Hookers would still show. After waiting till midnight and a few free drinks on the club we bailed to the local nudie bar and salvaged the rest of the night. Hopefull. Jizzy, Alex, Dizzy and the rest of the band are o.k.  – Fitzrox

We’re waiting to hear more on this and will pass details when they become more avaialble.

Metal Sludge

Hookers n’ Sludge

About Metal Sludge

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