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Scotti Hill to Sebastian Bach: “Blow it out your ass!”

Scotti Hill to Sebastian Bach: "Blow it out your ass, buddy!"


Scotti Hill (middle) tells Baz off!

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SKID ROW Guitarist To SEBASTIAN BACH: ‘Blow It Out Your Ass, Buddy!’ – Nov. 25, 2007

James Allman of Baconmusic spoke to SKID ROW guitarist Scotti Hill last night (Saturday, November 24) backstage at the Rock City in Nottingham, England. Watch the 10-minute interview below. An excerpt from the chat follows:

Baconmusic: What’s the latest news on Dave "Snake" Sabo? Is he still a member of SKID ROW?

Scotti: "Snake is a member of SKID ROW. He’s also got some legal troubles this year and that’s keeping him in America. He manages the band DOWN, so since he can’t come over here right now — ’cause the judge won’t let him; the judge said, ‘You can’t leave the country until this is all cleared up’ — he’s hanging with the boys from DOWN who are doing really good. They’ve got a kick-ass record out right now."

Baconmusic: There’s a lot of rumors that he’s not too well health-wise.

Scotti: "He’s had some health issues, but no… He’s good to go, he’s good to go. As a matter of fact, he’s gonna do some shows with us in January out West — in California, up through Vegas, Salt Lake City and all that stuff."

Baconmusic: So tell us about who is filling in [on this tour]?

Scotti: "We’ve got Ryan Cook from the band HAIR OF THE DOG — kick-ass band; we’ve been friends with Ryan for a long time. He was good enough to learn the songs in a week, sat down, one rehearsal, [and] it was like he was good to go. He’s a good friend, we’ve known him for a long time. He’s good for the band, he’s good for the morale, man — he’s a positive influence out here and… [turns to camera, joking] So fuck Snake. Snake, I love you, brother."

Baconmusic: If Snake ever did have to quit the band, do you think it would be still OK for SKID ROW to continue with just two original members?

Scotti: "[I] couldn’t tell you that. I don’t know what we would do. Because he’s an integral part of the writing process and the live show and all that — he basically started the band. I don’t know if Rachel [Bolan, bass] and I would go on or do something else. Man, I take this shit day to day. I didn’t expect to be here in 2007 sitting in Rock City [in Nottingham, England] down in the basement doing an interview, you know?! It’s all gravy."

Baconmusic: Sebastian Bach said in a recent interview, and I quote, "The SKID ROW of 2007 are wrecking the name worse than can ever be wrecked." What have you gotta say in response to that?

Scotti: "Blow it out your ass, buddy. Whatever, dude! Go do your fuckin’ thing and just forget about it. We had a good run — we got a good run together. Leave it alone, man! He’s got a new record coming out. Why don’t he worry about his new record?"

Baconmusic: Or he can keep licking Axl Rose’s ass.

Scotti: "If that’s what makes you happy, that’s what makes you happy. Sure."

Scotti your sack is huge and we like a man who stands up for himself!

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