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Kevin DuBrow had been dead for 6 days when found.

Kevin DuBrow had been dead for 6 days when found.


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Police: QUIET RIOT’s KEVIN DUBROW Died Six Days Before Being Discovered –

Nov. 28, 2007

ABC’s Las Vegas affiliate KTNV-TV reports: Police say after a distressed call from family members, QUIET RIOT lead singer Kevin DuBrow’s next door neighbor and friend kicked down the door to find the 52-year-old dead.

Police say DuBrow had been dead for about six days before his body was discovered.

Lori Lee Samson, DuBrow’s fiancée, was the last person to see him alive.

She says when days passed, she new something was wrong.

Among the collection of memories, Lori Samson will forever save DuBrow’s last words.

"At 2:40 am Monday he texted me I love you so much," Samson says.

His death has sent shockwaves to fans and family.

Samson says she will cherish the last moments spent with him and her son.

She never knew the man she met years ago was a legendary rock star.

Still rocking into his 50s, they celebrated Dubrow’s birthday just two weeks ago.

Samson says Dubrow performed for charities, growing more humble with age.

At 52 years old, QUIET RIOT’s vocalist finally found the one.

The couple was supposed to appear on A&E for a roast of Gene Simmons.

The coroner’s office is now investigating the exact cause of death.

Samson says something fans never knew is that alcohol was not allowed backstage at their concerts.

This was in support of band members’ struggle with sobriety.

And this from Blabbermouth

Bassist Kelly Garni, who was one of the founding members of QUIET RIOT, has released the following statement regarding the passing of the group’s lead singer, Kevin DuBrow:

"I want to thank everyone who refrained from jumping to conclusions and starting rumors. This has been a very traumatic tragedy to me and because of the fireworks usually associated with Kevin, I was expecting an avalanche of negativity that both me and Frankie [Banali, QUIET RIOT drummer] usually have to deal with. And I’m happy to say that for the most part, everyone did nothing but express good feelings. Unfortunately what negativity that did occur was internal and while inconvenient, I was able to handle.

"On Sunday [November 25], while I was working I got a phone call from Kevin’s home security company. It was at about 3:15 in the afternoon. I am the only one who gets a call whenever his alarm goes off and usually I go to his house and let the guards in to check things out. However, Kevin had had his front doors replaced a few weeks ago and I did not yet have a key, so I told them to send the guards and if there was a problem I would go there and take care of it. They also told me that Kevin’s voice mail was full. That was the first sign of trouble to me.

"I got on the phone to Frankie in L.A. and asked if Kevin was with him. He said no and that he hadn’t talked to Kevin in about 10 days. He said he thought Kevin was with one of his girlfriends. From there, I started to track her down. I have never met her and only after Frankie gave me her name was I able to find her, which was relativity easy. By now about 10 minutes had passed. She said that Kevin had missed Thanksgiving with her (one of two girls he was supposed to have thanksgiving with. Well, he IS Kevin). She said she had gone to his house and left him many messages without response and that she had a very bad feeling about this. Right then, my other phone rang. I have three phones in my house and little did I know soon all three would be ringing nonstop. I put the phone down on the table with girlfriend #2 still on the line and it was Frankie on the phone. He told me what had happened. I lost all composure at that point and told FB I would call him back.

"Now to the other phone where I had the unpleasant task of telling #2 the news. Needless to say she freaked. GF#1 was Lark Williams who was in San Fran at the time. She was worried about Kevin as well and she had called a paramedic friend of hers to go check on Kevin. The guy happened to be very close to his house. With Lark on the phone, the guy went to Kevin’s and was looking into windows and told Lark he could see his keys on the counter. Lark told him to break in immediately. It was a very ballsy and good thing she did. The guy broke in (hence the call from the alarm co.) and found Kev. This all happened in about 20 minutes time. From there, police, fire, everybody was called. He was found in bed. I talked with a detective who was there and they hadn’t even removed Kevin yet. He said, ‘We have found no signs of foul play and are ruling this an accidental death.’

"Last I heard from Kevin’s brother, there was going to be a service this Sunday in Corona del Mar, Caalifornia. Kevin will be buried next to his father. But then I was told that the coroner was still not done so that was kind of up in the air. I have not heard from them since.

"Peter Margolis [director of the upcoming Randy Rhoads documentary film] was one of the first people I called. I had had to tell the news to Kevin’s brother as well and I really didn’t want to go through that again with others who are important in our lives. He was very kind was immediately saddened and said right off he wouldn’t wish this on anybody. I read his statement and can say that he did in fact want to work out the differences between Kevin and himself.

"From here, I am not going to point out all the other things to you that people say when an icon dies.

"Kevin was what he was and he lived his life as such.

"To me, Kevin was my brother for 35 years. And like brothers, we had our differences. But many many times over dinner, we discussed how great it was to be able to sit across from each and laugh about all the terrible things we said and did to each other. He was always there for me, and I was always there for him.

"The last time I saw him was on our mutually shared birthday, October 29, He gave me a big hug and a really great present. The best present, though, was the hug.

"I will miss him terribly. I pray that those who had issues with him don’t take this opportunity to celebrate this.

"If you knew Kevin well enough to have a beef with him, then you knew him well enough to know he had a very good side to him as well.

"Thank you all for all your kindness. Please remember him for the one thing he wanted to be since he was born: A ROCK STAR."

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