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Nikki Sixx turns 49 and talks about SIXX:AM project!

Nikki Sixx turns 49 and talks about SIXX:AM project!


Nikki on the "Girls, Girls, Girls" tour.

A recent interview with Mr. Sixx is found HERE at Savioursofrock.com

RAO: Nikki, the second Sixx A.M. video, “Accidents Can Happen”

premiered on ilike.com on December 2nd. What are you thoughts on the video? How did you want to make it fit in with the concept of the “Heroin Diaries” album?*

SIXX: I really love the video, there is so much open space to the feel of it.This video feels fresh to me.

We wanted to shift the visual from how this project started with the first video to a cleaner video. We went for a look that wasn’t so much about the video but about the fact that we are a band and also to let the song be the most important part of the presentation.

It was important working with Paul Brown, (who did the art for the book) to have the video look, smell, and feel like the book. This is a body of work and it’s important to us that the theme stays the same throughout. Paul is to me one of the future’s brightest stars and darkest souls. He’s amazing. As you will see, from the whole concept.

RAO: 2007 has been an amazing year for Sixx A.M. What has your favorite musical highlight of 2007 been so far? What are you most proud of?*

SIXX: I’m very proud of the fact that our album is a soundtrack to a book. As far as I knew that has never been done before and it called for a different creative focus. I know I speak for James and DJ too when I say to have single touch so many people as well is more than we ever expected.

RAO: How has the release of “Heroin Diaries” helped you close one chapter in your life and begin fresh?

SIXX: That chapter has been closed for me personally for years now, but seeing it effect others that are like minded or have extended relationships has been very impactful (in a positive way) to my life. It has also opened a lot of doors because of the effect it has had on people. People and organizations whoms doors were firmly shut to me before the book and album came out.

RAO: Congratulations on the expansion of the Royal Underground and the addition of Women’s clothing. Do you think the women’s Royal Underground possibilities are endless?

SIXX: I think as long as Kelly and I are involved to the extent we are with Royal Underground the sky’s the limit for our line.

Metal Sludge


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