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Trent Reznor is angered & saddened by Sludge!

Trent Reznor is angered & saddened by Sludge!



Trent Reznor has flipped his industrial nut sack.

We covered a blog by the Fonz because he felt the need to expose his small dick when he tried to insult Sludge. Check that out >HERE<

First things first Fonzi. We are never insulted.

We already think we suck, we’re bald, old, washed up, fat, and have never had any success. So, in reality, there is not much you can say about us, or our fan base of "mostly" insecure over weight drug addicited jerks in their mom’s basement that will hurt us.

And we’re happy this way. So go sample some instruments and shut the fuck up.


Fonzi wrote:

Just glanced at this stuff. May I clarify:

I have no issue with PLUMP people and I apologize if some of you incorrectly inferred I was equating being overweight to being unworthy. I used that term for two reasons: one – these cunts on MS portray themselves as in a very inaccurate way, because they can. It’s their one place they can wield a little power and escape their pathetic lives. Two – I knew it would hurt them and it most definitely has.

Place my comments in context. If you haven’t seen the type of comments we’ve been getting and the sheer level of ignorance, you have no reference in which to comment on this.

I know MOST of you are not a part of this and I didn’t mean to offend you – this situation has angered and saddened me.

And THAT is it from me on this topic.

To check out Fonzi’s forum and his blog go >HERE<

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