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Jani Lane the Cherry Pie guy popped in LA for DUI!

Jani Lane the Cherry Pie guy popped in LA for DUI!


DUI = Downboy Under the Influence = Arrested

Jani Lane was arrested for DUI last night in LA.

Is anyone shocked?

What’s ironic is that we at Sludge have not said much about Jani for sometime. Except last night. We did a post >HERE< promoting a small weekend run of shows he was to do.

Here is what is being reported.

We’ve just learned the lead singer of 80’s hair band Warrant was arrested for misdemeanor DUI traffic accident last night in Los Angeles.

Cops tell TMZ Jani Lane was involved in a small fender bender in the Woodland Hills area at around 9:30 PM. We’re told Lane hit a parked car, no one was injured, but when cops arrived at the scene he showed signs of intoxication.

The 45-year-old singer was arrested and is currently being held on $30,000 bail.

Courtesy of TMZ >HERE<

We also found this online.


The Sludge faithful (many Jani & Warrant fans) are going off on this >HERE<

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