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Ratt talks about asking Juan back, just like Sludge reported!

Ratt admits to asking Juan back, just like Sludge reported!


The original RATT band circa 1984


Well we hate to say we told you so, but we told you so.

Last year Metal Sludge reported rumors from the Ratt camp that the band was secretly gonna throw Robbie Crane to the curb and wanted Juan Croucier back. Read that post >HERE< from February 9th 2009.

Then Ratt and their management got their panties in a bundle and flipped out claiming Sludge was full of shit and requested us to remove the post.

The bands management also sent out a press release that read as follows:

RATT is not replacing any band members, and would like to thank their fans for the overwhelming support and enthusiasm for RATT’s plan to record and release anew album this summer.

Thank You. Sanctuary Management

We declined to remove the post and stood by our sources.

Now the truth comes out.

Ratt recently did an interview with Noise Creep and all 3 core members – Pearcy, Blotzer and DeMartini all admit they tried unsuccessfully again to get Juan Croucier (original Ratt bassist) to rejoin the band last spring 2009 prior to their most recent recording.

Read the bands comments below in a recent Noise Creep interview >HERE<

Ratt moved into a house in Virginia Beach to write and record ‘Infestation,’ but before they left, they made one final effort to bring back longtime bassist Juan Croucier.

“We can actually say that we did ask him to come out and play and get back in the cellar.” Stephen Pearcy – Ratt singer

“We really tried to find a way to make it work, but at the last minute we locked up on a couple issues, and we got to the point where we were touring and we had to announce who was in the band, and by then we had been going back and forth for a couple months and that window had closed. We extended one last invitation…” Warren DeMartini – Ratt guitarist

“It’s sad for him. He hasn’t been onstage in I don’t know how long, and we maintain a great life out there playing Ratt music for all the fans. We keep living our dream and getting up on big stages and kicking ass and he’s missing out.” Bobby Blotzer – Ratt drummer

The Ratt official myspace plugs this recent interview on January 14th >HERE<

The new RATT disc is slated for a April 2010 release on Roadrunner Records.

Metal Sludge

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