Home / News / Various Sludge / DJ Ashba of Guns N' Roses goes solo on stadium tour!

DJ Ashba of Guns N' Roses goes solo on stadium tour!

DJ slAshba plays anthem @ motocross event.


DJ Ashba or is it DJ SLASHba?


DJ Ashba has made quite a name for himself in recent years with acts like SIXX AM & Guns N’ Roses. Now he’s cranking it up in Stadiums as a solo act. Huh? Not a typo, it seems that DJ has taken his guitar skills to play anthems in the recent months at Arrow Head Stadium for a NFL Kansas City Cheifs game, and more recently in Anaheim for the annual AMA Monster Energy Super Motocross event last week.

Check out DJ playing @ Arrow Stadium >HEREHEREHERE<

Now check out SLASH doing the anthem for a LA Kings hockey game >HEREHERE<

Oddly when the announcer asks in every video for everyone in the arena to remove their hats for the anthem, neither Slash nor DJ honor the request.

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