Home / News / Various Sludge / Former W.A.S.P. axeman Chris Holmes joins Fifi LaRue in

Former W.A.S.P. axeman Chris Holmes joins Fifi LaRue in

Chris Holmes joins Fifi LaRue in “Welcome To My Flyin’ Circus” video


Fifi LaRue & Chris Holmes – who is in the costume?


Well it’s that time of year again folks and we’re fast approaching October. Soon enough goblins, ghosts and ghouls will be everywhere. So it’s no shock that the year round Gothic Killer Clown has emerged just in time for Trick or Treat. 

Fifi LaRue has appeared on America’s Got Talent and now it appears he is ready to Fuck Like A Beast. Or at least jam with one. Fifi has landed the former W.A.S.P. guitarist Chris Holmes as special guest in his new “Welcome to my Flyin’ Circus” video.

The creepy clip just hit YouTube today, go check it out right HERE


Metal Sludge

Sludge Like a Beast

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