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10 Heavy Metal Rock Bands that got labeled GAY!

10 Heavy Metal Rock Bands that got labeled GAY!


Is Dee Snider a Fag in Drag? One religious site says their music is gay.


Metal Sludge readers, we found this online and find it a bit amusing. This isn’t our post, but a post from a site that claims God Hates Fags, and is against, or seems to be against everything that is “gay”. We see that they included some rock and metal bands in their posting, and grabbed that to post here. They seem to hate on a lot of music, we love it all. And are cool with gay, bi and straight folks.

One of the most dangerous ways Homosexuality invades family life is through popular music.  Parents, please keep careful watch over your children’s listening habits.  Especially in this age of Internet mp3 piracy.

There are multiple levels of Gay Music.  Some bands are what we like to call Gateway Bands.  They lure children in with Pop Grooves and Salacious Melodies leaving them wanting more.  They’ll move on to more dangerous bands and the next thing you know you’ve got a homosexual for a child.

We’ve taken the time to highlight the bands that are particularly Gay.  Please take the time and dissect your child’s CD / iTunes catalog. If you find 3 or more of these bands in their collection it is time to take action.

We Strongly recommend that you burn the CDs.  Make sure your child is watching.  Make sure they can feel the heat. It is crucial that the image remains emblazoned in their young minds. They need to know that if they continue to listen to these bands they may Burn eternally as well.

10 Rock/Metal Bands to watch out for…


#10. SlipKnot – Well, there is a dildo on this guys mask!


#9. Ted Nugent  – Hmmm, this pic makes you wonder.


#8. Cannibal Corpse – Is that Halford on the right?


#7.  Nickleback – Lame, rich & everywhere. But Gay?


#6. Hinder – Their haircuts are definitely Gay.


#5. Judas Priest – The “Hot Rockin” video gave it away.


#4. Marilyn Manson – In the closet or in the fridge?


#3. Twisted Sister – Not gay, just goofy.


#2. Metallica – Who knew?


#1. Motorhead – Well, what woman would f?!k Lemmy?


The above information is from a website called LOVEGODSWAY.org

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