Home / News / Various Sludge / Sebastian Bach in a war of words on Twitter with female fan from Brazil.

Sebastian Bach in a war of words on Twitter with female fan from Brazil.

Sebastian Bach in a war of words on Twitter with female fan?


“Fuck you, you stupid ugly orange haired cunt.” Sebastian Bach

Baz, war of words with female on Twitter

Posted By Staff writer Biff Blotzer

May 24th 2012 5:30PM (PST)

Welcome to the internet folks. Home to such places as Facebook, Youtube and of course – the flavor of the week. Twitter. This new hot spot can sometimes be an ugly place. Depending on how you look at it that is. Friends, fans, enemies and more can say whatever they want. And direct it at you, or anyone they want.

It appears that this female fan named Shirley Fernanda has tweeted at Sebastian Bach about an alleged sexual encounter with the famous singer. Fernanda made sure to tweet at Bach’s girlfriend Minnie as well. Bach was quick to dispute the striking beauties claim.

We grabbed the screen capture below from Twitter.


One thing for sure though, it seems that Sebastian Bach shops at the same store and likes the same brands. Take a look at his ex wife Maria, his current girlfriend Minnie & the girl alleging a romantic nite with the rock stud.

They could almost be sisters.


Ex Wife Maria                           Girlfriend Minnie                           Fan Shirley

The girl claims the incident took place recently in Porto Allegra Brazil. Ironically, Sebastian Bach just performed there on April 15th.  Check out a live clip of “Slave to the Grind

We will say this though. They all 3 seem to like 2 piece bathing suits.

Metal Sludge

Twitter Sludge

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