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Mick Mars:

Mick Mars: “One way or another, I’ll keep rockin’ ’till I fall down. Definitely.”


Mick Mars: “I’m still as big an asshole as ever. Lewd and aggressive.”


Mick Mars “I’ll keep rocking til I fall down!”

Posted By: Metal Sludge


In a brand new interview with the Miami New Times, MÖTLEY CRÜE guitarist Mick Mars was asked if sex and life is different now that he has entered his 60s. “Well, yes,” Mars replied. “Lots of things change. One doesn’t. I’m still no gentleman. I’m still as big an asshole as ever. Lewd and aggressive.”

He continued, “But honestly, there’s one thing that’s really different for me … Being sober. And it’s really helped. The playing is better. The songs are better. There are some people who drink their whole lives. But thankfully, I was just like, ‘Ah, I’m over this shit. Over the drug thing. Over the booze thing. Over this other thing.’ It’s great to be clear-headed, instead of just sitting around going, ‘Huh?’ like a dummy.

“I don’t smoke. I don’t drink. I don’t have many vices, except playing my guitar too much. I guess I’m kind of a boring guy these days. But that’s how I’m gonna keep going with MÖTLEY CRÜE as long as I can.

“And even after that, I’ll just keep playing and writing for TV commercials, movies, old bands, new bands, baby bands, whatever, right until it’s all over. There’s no way I can keep touring for the rest of my life, because I don’t wanna be 75 on the road like an old goat with his head hanging down.

“But one way or another, I’ll keep rockin’ ’till I fall down. Definitely.” 


Article from Blabbermouth

Metal Sludge

Metal Mars

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