Home / News / Various Sludge / Bang Tango bassist goes on tirade against Phil Varone alleging sex'ting affair with live in lover!

Bang Tango bassist goes on tirade against Phil Varone alleging sex'ting affair with live in lover!

Bang Tango bassist public tirade against Phil Varone alleging sexting affair with live in lover.


Lance Eric of Bang Tango “Phil Varone your a fuckn lowlife piece of shit!”


Bang Tango bassist launches public tirade on Facebook, alleges affair between his live in lover and X-Rocker turned Porn Star Phil Varone

Posted By: Metal Sludge

The World Wide Web —  Bang Tangp bassist Lance Eric has launched a tirade of Facebook rants on his (now former) live-in girl friend and Phil Varone. Eric alleges that his love interest was caught sex’ting with the former rock drummer turned porn star. The texts are said to include photos of Phil’s cock. But who hasn’t seen these? Phil throws that thing around like drum sticks after a show. Everyone gets one. Lol

Back to serious matters. We’re not sure this is breaking news, but it is hairband related and it appears some of Arizona’s finest (the pigs) were called to the Eric home and things got ugly. TMZ is busy with Randy Travis and Miley Cyrus – so Metal Sludge will bring you the dirt on various memebers and former members of Bang Tango, Skid Row and Saigon Kick. Read on…

Lance Eric writes on his Facebook…

Well everyone was right…and I mean everyone. Kelly has been texting and communicating with Phil (the diseased loser wanna be drummer drug addict who wasn’t good enough to be in skid row) and telling him she want him back and only moved closer to LA to be with him. Also have been sending naked pix back n forth to each other. Phil said I didn’t deserve to be altho her cuz I have too many chins. She told him she’s just chalking it up to being closer to him. She also told me she fucked my roommate.

This bitch deserves all that she has coming to her. She knew the heartache I was in and she lead me on and used me. I can’t tell u how many people warned me. Kelly you are a disgrace to woman and you deserve to be abused by Phil. All I ever did was trust u and believe in you And love you and u stabbed me in the back. I didn’t deserve this. You are a user. U used me and u used her parents. My heart is destroyed. Go back to Phil or any of the guys that treat u like a number. You will wake up one day and realize what u have lost. I was willing to give u a chance. And u converse like that with a guy who is engaged? You are evil to the fullest extent. And u just told me this morning u love me. I’m so dumb. Everyone u were right….

A second post from Lance Eric on Friday notes the local Police were involved.


         Local cops called to Bang Tango bassists home in Arizona after sex’ting scandal

Guess who just avoided jail for the weekend cuz I still have a heart after being punched in the face? And before u dick heads that tell me not to air my dirty laundry on fb let me explain what I am doing. Calling her out for the evil person she is. She loves fb so much she can now really read about herself. All u guys that treat her like a number whenever your in her town can have her. She deserves to be treated like shit. That’s what she wants. Your lucky I’m nice after being hit in the face cuz u should be in jail right now.

Bloody lip is ok now :) can’t wait for u to wake up tomorrow and realize what u just lost. Peace!!! Btw, Peoria police were cool as hell…thank u guys.

It now appears that Lance was a Puppy Killer in a past life….

Yes I am airing out my dirty laundry on fb. It’s making me feel better. Most of you know how much I love Kelly. Yes its not past tence yet. I came home and found a bunch of texts between her and Phil tell each other how much they want to be together and how much they want to Fuck each other and sending naked pix back n forth…while she’s in my bed telling me how much she loves me.

How stupid I feel. Btw Phil your a fuckn lowlife piece of shit do carry on like that with Kelly while your engaged and still married. Your daughter must be so proud. Sending pix of your dick to my girlfriend I’m sure your fiance would not like to know that. About how u want her to meet u in Utah. You are garbage and so is Kelly. Back to what I was saying…I love Kelly and wish her the best and I hope she feels this pain one day. I’m not sure why I deserved this but I must have been a puppy killer in a past life or something. thank u all for the love.

We cannot confirm or deny that Lance Eric use to kill puppies. But from the looks of him, it looks like he could kill a Phil Varone if he wanted to. But of course, we hope that this all blows over like a load in one of Phil’s new porn movies and everyone can move along in life.

Bang Tango’s bassist Lance Eric official Facebook

Metal Sludge

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