Home / News / Various Sludge / Love is on the Way from Florida as Saigon Kick plans to reunite with all original members!

Love is on the Way from Florida as Saigon Kick plans to reunite with all original members!

Saigon Kick to reunite with all 4 original members!


Saigon Kick


‘Love is on the Way’ from Florida as Saigon Kick plans to reunite with all original members!

Posted By: Metal Sludge

Miami, FL — Love is on the way from southern Florida. That’s correct folks. Florida based rock band Saigon Kick has announced a reunion with all original members. This comes from the mouth of the guy in the band who uses his mouth as an instrument. Matt Kramer, the bands lead singer has posted some news today on his official Facebook page.

“A 20 year lapse has finally come to an end. Saigon Kick will be reuniting with all original members for a few shows this fall. Let’s see if we can even make it past the first rehearsal.”

Matt Kraner – Vocalist of Saigon Kick


Saigon Kick in Sludge history.

Matt Kramer “20 Questions” March 8th 2005

Jason Bieler ‘responds‘ to Matt’s 20 Questions March 12th 2005

Phil Varone “20 Questions” August 6th 2001

Phil Varone “ReWind” June 20th 2002

Phil Varone “3-Wind” April 9th 2005

Phil Varone ‘Playgirl‘ spread November 5th 2010

Chris McLernon “20 Questions” March 25th 2003

Watch “Love is on the Way” from youtube

Metal Sludge

Saigon Sludge

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