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Sebastian Bach on his break up with Minnie Gupta:

Sebastian Bach on his break up with Minnie Gupta: “I’m sorry, but I LIED”


Metal Sludge cannot confirm or deny if their visit to the Cayenne Cafe was

a walk through the drive thru, or a dine in experience.


Baz & Minnie NOT broke up! Sebastian Bach says “Breakin up is hard to do!”

Posted By: Metal Sludge

Hollywood, CA — It looks like Sebastian Bach and Minnie Gupta have NOT broken up. Is this news? Of course it is. Every metal site on the the web reported this and now Sebastian has tweeted all of us and said “I LIED!”


It appears the two have “parted ways” and now got back together in the span of 24 hours. Huh? Yes folks, it’s clear this relationship is actually more 8th grade then we first thought. These two are about as stable as Lindsay Lohan’s family. But that is the allure of this beautiful train wreck. And we say this with respect and a little laughter. Kids these days.

Anywho, Bach tweeted their 2 year relationship was over on Oct. 9th. That new flash is found HERE.

Then on the 10th he tweeted this.


We wish these two the best and anxiously await the next whacky tweets.


On another note, Metal Sludge is gonna go out on a limb and predict the next big break up is in January 2013. Or sooner.

Metal Sludge

Metal LIES

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