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LAMB OF GOD singer Randy Blythe found NOT GUILTY!


Lamb of God frontman Randy Blythe in a Czech court room

LAMB OF GOD singer Randy Blythe found NOT GUILTY!

Posted By: Metal Sludge

According to Blesk.cz and Novinky.cz, LAMB OF GOD frontman Randy Blythe has been found not guilty of manslaughter earlier today (Tuesday, March 5) by a three-judge panel in the Czech Republic.

Blythe was facing the possibility of conviction and a long-term jail sentence after a May 2010 incident in which a fan, Daniel Nosek, who attended a LAMB OF GOD performance in Prague, died almost a month later, allegedly from injuries sustained when he was thrown off the stage.

“I have been found not guilty and acquitted of all charges against me,” Randy wrote on his Instagram account. “I am a free man.

“Please remember the family of Daniel Nosek in your thoughts and prayers in this difficult time. I only wish for them peace. Thank you for your support.”

Tuesday’s ruling by Prague’s Municipal Court was confirmed by the court spokeswoman, Marketa Puci.

The state prosecutors have announced their intention to appeal the verdict; they have eight days to put this in writing.

The court ruled that the act described in the charges cannot be qualified as a crime. It added that the dead man’s family can claim compensation in civil court proceedings.

Randy‘s trial resumed yesterday (Monday, March 4) after court was adjourned last month due to missing witnesses (two expert witnesses – criminal psychologist/psychiatrist and a girl who attended the concert).

The presiding judge, Tomas Kubovec, said the opinions found in their reports were basically the same, according to WTVR.com. However, during testimony, they disagreed on how aggressive/anti-social Blythe is.

“I would like to thank the family of Daniel Nosek for not attacking me in the press and for their kind words to me in this court,” Randy said in a statement to the court before the verdict was announced (see video below). “I am very sorry for their loss.

Daniel was a fan of my band. I had no wish to harm him. He was just a boy and I wish he was still here.

“If, ultimately, the Czech legal system sentences me to prison, I will do my sentence like a man.

“If I am to remain free, I will do my best to insure that conditions at this concert will not occur again with my band and other bands so that the fans will remain safe.

“I have searched for an answer to this situation. The only one I can find is that it was a tragic, horrible accident.”

Blythe was unaware of a warrant out for his arrest when he was detained last June after arriving at the Prague airport for a show with LAMB OF GOD. He spent spent five weeks in custody before being released on bail in August.

The parents of the alleged victim were demanding compensation of 10 million Czech Koruna (approximately $530,000).

Article above found at Blabbermouth

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