Home / News / Various Sludge / Bulletboys singer Marq Torien's pants on eBay for $ 6,969.69

Bulletboys singer Marq Torien's pants on eBay for $ 6,969.69


                                                         Bulletboys classic line up.

Bulletboys singer Marq Torien’s famous stage pants on eBay for $ 6,969.69

Posted By: Metal Sludge

eBay – Anyone got 7 grand for a pair of dirty used rock star pants from 1989? If you do, check eBay for Bulletboys singer Marq Torien’s used stage pants. And yes, we are cereal.

Check the posting and photos below. Happy bidding!



Bulletboys singer Marq Torien’s pants on eBay for $ 6,969.69 buy right HERE

Metal Sludge


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