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Johnny Monaco is fed up with Enuff Z'Nuff tour and says


Johnny Monaco “I wont ever do this again” on touring with Enuff Z’nuff

Johnny Monaco is fed up with Enuff Z’nuff and ’80s Invasion Tour’ and says “I wont ever do this again”

Posted By: Metal Sludge


Last Tour — We’d like to believe Johnny Monaco when he says “I wont ever do this again”  but if we were betting here – we’d say he is a liar. A God Damn fucking liar. About what:? Click the link below and listen to Enuff Z’Nuff’s current voice and frontman rant about being on a tour bus at 3 in the morning with his boss (Chip Z’nuff) chain smoking and partying like it’s 1989.

We say this with a kind heart as we know all to well what kind of jackassery Mr. Monaco is going through. We wonder what Ted Poley is thinking in the bunk across from him? With his broken wrist, a broken hand and a metal tube filled with smoke and #livinginthepast #rockstarschmockstar & #backintheday all night chatter.

Let’s mark the calendar. It’s August 14th 2013. Will Johnny ever tour with Enuff Z’nuff again?


To listen to Monaco lay it all on the line go to his video rant HERE

Metal Sludge

Enuff Sludge

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