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25 Questions With Bobbie Brown, 4/11/00



Bobbie Brown

Model and Actress Bobbie Brown

This week’s you aren’t getting 20 Questions, you are getting 25 Questions!!  That’s because we are talking to Bobbie Brown, and we couldn’t narrow our questions down to 20, so instead you get 25!!   As you should already know, Bobbie was the girl in Warrant’s “Cherry Pie” video and later became Jani Lane’s wife, but try not to hold that against her.  She then divorced Jani and hooked up Tommy Lee for a while, until…and this might sound far fetched, but he abused Bobbie!  Who would have thought that?  Rumor has it he has a temper…

Anyways, Bobbie was recently seen on VH-1’s “Where Are They Now” and is now on the show Battledome which is like American Gladiators on crack.   

Bobbie actually emailed Donna Anderson a month or so ago about Donna’s Groupie Chart and wanted to let Donna know that there were 2 names on the list that she wasn’t with.  We then emailed Bobbie back and hit her up for 20 Questions, and for some reason she wasted her time and answer all 25 of our questions.  She was a really good sport and went out of her way to answer our questions and keep us posted on what she was doing, so that’s totally cool.

So enough bullshit, here’s 25 Questions With Bobbie Brown!

1.  What are you up currently up to?  This is your only chance to plug whatever it is you wanna plug.  


BOBBIE: I am currently doing a ton of publicity for

Battledome, which I will have to start shooting again in June. As while as

shooting a cigarette campaign for Germany, and then I will be shooting a

Playboy pictorial called the “Girls of BattleDome”.




2.  What hard rock/heavy metal band should give it up and call it a day?  


Good Grief, where do I start? All the 80’s bands that are still  beating a dead

horse. You know who they are? Time to move on…..


3.  Do you have a thing for frogs, Budweiser, or both?

I hate frogs, but I will drink Bud Light on occasion.  What are you trying to say?

Ms. B. Haven

Bobbie as Bobbie Haven in Battledome

4.  Jani has had some hair problems. What?s the deal with Jani, Bret

Michaels, David Lee Roth, Jack Russell and just about every other blonde

vocalist from the 80s rock era. Too much hairspray or what?


I often wonder the same thing, Rogaine anybody? Well we all know there obviously not fighting to be president of the hair club for men. Being that there schedules these days are wide open they should considering becoming members. It’s the least they could do.



5. On Donna Anderson?s Groupie Chart, you emailed us and said that you never had sex with Duff McKagan or Dave Navarro.  You also said there were 10 names we didn?t have on our list.  So to clear the air once and for all, who are the other 10 names we don?t have?

Wouldn’t you like to know, So far my list is the longest excluding the 2 wrong entries. If I listed them all, the

other girls might get jealous and think I’m trying to get my own Rock ho page or a special trophy. But if you were to ask me specifically I wouldn’t deny the truth.




6.   Hypothetical Question:  You and your mate have been together for years and are truly in love.  Then you meet a man who is just as kind, gentle, and loving as yours, but is also handsomer, sexier, and 100 times richer.  Would



A.  Tell him to go away and leave you alone;




B.  Encourage him little by little until you are absolutely sure he?s better than the man you have and dump current mate for him.




Ummm?? A?



7.  Do you think most ?rock star? wives or girlfriends actually realize that their guys are banging other chicks, or do they just live in denial?  Why do

chicks put up with it?

I think it’s denial, after the fact while it’s happening you can’t fathom your man could be lying to you. And if your still very much in love at the time you’ll never allow that to enter into consciousness- but reality is instinctually, you know it’s true but just don’t want it to be. Then after the actually breakup you realize your fate to

be denial all the while



8.  When you found out that you were pregnant with Jani?s kid, did you ever worry that you might give birth to tadpoles?  


I laughed my ass off when I read this one.

Let’s just say I prayed a lot…

9.  When you were with Jani, did you ever cheat on him or was he the one

doing all the cheating?



Nope he did all the cheating, I did go out almost

every night and seek male attention trying to coat my insecure ego. I might as well have considering Jani believed all of his pitiful groupies who claimed they knew for sure!!! I flirted a lot but never actually followed through.


Froggy & Bobbie

Jani & Bobbie

10. Rate the following rockstar wives, ex-wives, or chicks on a scale of

1-10. 1 being a cum bucket & 10 being as pure Cherry Pie.




Sharise Neil = 10


Kathy Allen = 10


Rowanne Lane = 10


Kirsten Turner = don’t know her


Heather Locklear = she hates me I don’t know her but she gets a 4

Susan Dixon = hard to say  – ??


Pamela Anderson = no comment

Brandi Brandt = 10


Donna D’Errico = don’t know her only met her once

Christian Applegate = 10




Most of these people are friends of mine, and cum bucket only applies for the people I hate in defense and that ‘s only 1 or 2 people tops. And I’m saving those scores for the book your writing..


11. Were you on any drugs when you said that Battledome would be the most exciting sports show on television?

Funny man.  No, but I’ll say it over and over again as long as I’m getting paid to.

12. Other than your breasts, have you had any other plastic surgery done

like liposuction, lip injections or a nose job?

No just the implants, but I’m not against it – I am getting older.




Tommy & Bobbie

Tommy & Bobbie

13. Do you think Pamela Anderson has great acting talent?

Honestly ……..NO

But she knows how to market her assets. So she should stick to it. Give up trying to be taken seriously as a dramatic actress. And pleading for Respect. Why try and fix what’s not broken.  It’s funny how people are never satisfied, and are so concerned about what people say or what might they think. If she is making good money and is happy doing it, then that’s all that matters milk it for all it’s worth cuz she can only cash in on those assets so long. I will say this she okay with Comedy.



14. Did you ever have anal sex with Tommy Lee or any other rock star?


15. Rumor has it that Mark McGrath is into golden showers.  Did he ever ask


you to pee on him?


Yes, and NO I DID NOT. Whatever?



16. You set a record on Star Search for most wins. What is the record, does it still stand and did you ever have sex with Ed McMahon.

I seem to be setting a lot of records lately. Donna’s page and Star Search. WOW!  Star Search I still hold the record with 13 consecutive wins No I never got to fuck Ed.  He’s so hot…..Not come on I can do better than Jurassic Park, don’t you think?


17. On a scale of 1 to 10, rate the following guys on how good they were in bed.  1 being a lame and dead fuck and 10 being totally hot sex.  And if

there is anybody we don?t have listed, feel free to add their name and give them a score. 



Jani Lane = 3


Tommy Lee = 9


Matthew Nelson = 5


Mark McGrath = 1, but he can’t help it

Stevie Rachelle = had he and I happened at any other time I’d probably rate him a 9. But being that it was so soon after Tommy and I was numb, I give him a 7.

Leonardo DiCaprio = 2




18. Why didn?t you ever pose for Playboy?  You were supposed to do a cover a

while back but that never happened.  What is the story with that?

I heard a rumor that Pam threatened the magazine never work for them again if they ran a pictorial on me.  So at least that’s what I was told.



19. On Loveline back in 1998, you said you had problems with coke and speed.

What?s the most amount of days that you’ve stayed awake after indulging in

such substances?


4 1/2 maybe 5 . The days seem to run together after a while.

So I’m not exact on that.





20. Ever have sex with a guy and wake up not remembering that you did it?




21. Ever do any lesbian stuff?  If so, who? And please give details!!

Yes when I was real young, I had a threesome with my boyfriend at the time and

this lesbian stripper, anyway she got pregnant by my boyfriend and had the

baby… So I’m not too comfortable with it now to say the least- for myself -

but I have a lot of lesbian friends. To each his own.





22. It?s not exactly a secret that Jani has a drinking problem.  Do you ever worry about Taylor being with Jani due to his excessive drinking habits?

Apparently he’s Sober now? and when he was an alcoholic he wasn’t really in

Taylar’s or mine’s life. I didn’t know until he told me he decided to get

sober. I heard all the rumors that he slipped recently, but that’s hear say.

Plus if he was drinking I think the last thing he would want to do is hang

out with Taylar and play with Pokeman toys. I believe none of what I hear

and only half of what I see.





23.  Listed below are 20 guys.  We want to know if you’ve had sex with any of the guys we listed.  Next to each name, say either yes or no, along with any comments you feel like adding. 

Mick Mars = no!!

Taime Downe = not

Jack Russell = not

Lemmy = What the fuck? Is he still alive? NO

Riki Rachtman = no

Sebastian Bach =  I wish (10yrs ago)

The Prince of Brunei = no

Jay Gordon = sure

Vince Neil = no

Bret Michaels = nope

Pauly Shore = not

Gene Simmons = negative

Chris Farley = not

Phil Lewis = no

Tracii Guns = no

Marq Torien = not

Blas Elias = nope

David Lee Roth = nope

Erik Turner = nope

Gunnar Nelson = no

24. When you sued that Penthouse model for impersonating you, wasn?t that just a way for you to make some money without having to work?  Other than

having blond hair, that chick doesn?t really look that much like you, so do

you really think she impacted your career that much?


I sued her for the ability to own my own name. Therefore she or any company she worked for could not use the name Bobbie Brown or any name resembling mine, rhyming, or

spelled like mine etc.. And actually it did effect so aspects of my career.

When she started using my name I was under contract with Aspen cologne. And

it was good money. They called my agency and said I breached the contract and



was planning on suing me. My contract had stated that I was not allow to pose

nude or act in any distasteful matter in front of the public. When my agency

convinced them that they were mistaken, they agreed not to sue me but they

broke the contract because they said even though they were now convinced

how could they convince all the people in America that it’s two different

girls.  People who knew who I was but hadn’t seen me in a while, then they see

this blonde on the cover of Penthouse in Bold Letters BOBBIE BROWN.  They

just assumed it to be true. They probably thought god she doesn’t look so

good anymore. Then I was being considered for the lead of a network series.

About high schoolers. And after that magazine hit the stands the director

called and said that Bobbie doesn’t have the image we aiming for. The

confusion of illiterate minds!









25. Time for Metal Sludge?s Word Association.  We mention a name and you

give us your thoughts.


Rowanne Lane = step mom


Howard Stern = funny


Joey Allen = old friend


Tommy Lee = love of my life


Jani Lane = ex whatever


Bret Michaels = Vegas?


Gene Simmons = nice hair, feather pillow


Vince Neil = blah


Tracii Guns = foot loaf


Pamela Anderson  = blank


Britney Spears = mickey mouse club?

Sebastian Bach = where are they now? vh1




Bobbie Brown



So there you have it!  We found out some good stuff, like Mark McGrath likes chicks to piss on him, she hates frogs, she had one lesbian experience, she’s banged Jay Gordon from Orgy, the father of her child is only a 3 in bed, she’s stayed awake for about 5 days in a row, and Tommy Lee was the love of her life.  Only at Metal Sludge will you get such diverse shit like that!!!!

At this time, Bobbie doesn’t have a website you can visit, so your are SOL.  If she does get one, we’ll hook ya up.

But we can plug thatBobbie just filmed an episode of VH-1’s “The List” recently.  Metal Edge Editor, Sludgeaholic, and Pantywaist Paul Gargano will also be on that show with her.  We’ll post info on when that will air when we find out.

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