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Jani Lane, 1/21/01



Are you ready for this? 

Jani Lane is getting a Super Balls Award….and it has nothing to do with him doing 27 Questions.

Then why is Jani getting a Super Balls Award?

Because he wore our fucking shirt on stage last night!!

Did you read that? Let’s say it again.

Because he wore our fucking shirt on stage last night!!

That’s right, Saturday, January 20th will go down in history. It is the day the Warrant’s Jani Lane wore a Metal Sludge Fancy Ass Poison Style shirt on stage at Harpos in Detroit, Michigan!! From now on, every January 20th is Jani Lane day. Be sure to mark your calendars next year.
Not only did Jani wear our shirt, but he plugged us on stage. We’ve gotten a a bunch of emails on this and here is one report.

I just got pack from the Warrant show at Harpos in Detroit and JANI LANE WORE A METAL SLUDGE SHIRT ONSTAGE!

Somebody threw a Metal Sludge shirt up to Jani. I think he might have even asked the person to do it. Once he had the shirt, he then ran off stage without anybody seeing what was on it. Jani then came out wearing the Fancy Ass style shirt with his arms wide open so everybody could see it. He then went up to each band member and showed them the shirt. While he was singing, I think it was “Machine Gun” but I could be wrong, he said “Can anybody say 27 Questions?” He seemed like he was really enjoying it. After the song ended, Jani said, “I better get a Super Balls Award for this. For those of you who don’t know what Metal Sludge is, it’s a site you can log onto and read all sorts of nasty stuff about me and who I fucked the night before. And fucked good, I might add.” I tried to take some pictures of this and hopefully they will come out. When I get them developed I’ll send them in. The crowd was definitely into it and I also saw several other Metal Sludge shirts in attendance!

Harpos was pretty packed and anybody who has been there before knows how big that place is. They had a really good crowd. Warrant put on a great show. Jani sounded good and didn’t bum any smokes from the crowd. He even said before he played Heaven, “I’ve been criticized for this so I’m not going to apologize, I’m just going to say that this is the pussy part of the show.” or something like that. So once again, Metal Sludge makes it’s mark!

The rest of the band was solid. Jerry looked a lot better than I’ve seen him look in the past, plus his hair is longer. Billy Morris is a great guitarist and is a nice addition to the band. They didn’t play anything new though, but Jani wearing the Sludge shirt made up for that! 

You guys are all powerful! Hail Sludge!

Down Boy

Now that’s a plug! Well Jani, you got your Super Balls Award. We can honestly say you earned it. Congratulations!

Presented to Jani Lane, 1/21/01

Jani joins the small but elite group of Super Balls winners, which include Paul Gargano, Donna D’Errico, Dave “The Snake” Sabo, Joey Allen, and Nikki Sixx (who is an Honorary Super Balls Winner when he was voted in by the Sludgeaholics).

Here’s an email from the girl who actually threw Jani the shirt!

I wanted to be the first to break the news about the Sludge/Jani drama, but because I didn’t have access to my computer, I didn’t. Anyway, call us crazy, but…about a week ago 3 friends (Steph, Sherri & Nancy), my sister (Kelly) & myself decided to make an overnight trip to Harpo’s (we are from Illinois). In our preparation, one friend said “that it would be funny if we had a Metal Sludge tee to throw up onstage at Jani Lane at the show & a carton of smokes.” Well, seeing that I only wear tee-shirts to bed & that I want to get a slutty tank, I was willing to give up my Fancy Ass Poison Style Metal Sludge (if you have to, check your records & you will see that I have one) shirt to give to Jani Lane at the show. I immediately sent an email to my friends saying that I was going to bring it & if I had a chance I was going to throw the shirt at him, but that if he didn’t wear it, I was going to be pissed!

When we got to the show we were looking for other Sludgeaholics & I think we counted a total of 5 (4 men & a chic wearing a slutty tank). We chatted with two Sludgeaholics (Kevin (MI) & Richard (IL)) & I showed them the shirt & told them I was going to “toss it up to FROGGY”, they both said that it was “A MUST” (I knew in my Sludgeaholic heart that I had to as well), so I started to think this over in my head (how was I going to get it to him & how am I going to get him to wear it???). I came to the conclusion that I would hold the shirt up to him when he came to my side of the stage (if I was looking at the stage, I was on the right & right in the front) & see how he reacted. The first chance that I got I held the shirt up to Jani, he then pointed at it & motioned for me to toss it to him, I GLADLY OBLIGED (I knew he was interested in the shirt & that if he wore it, this was going to be incredibly hilarious!)!!!!!! As soon as he got the shirt, he walked to the back of the stage & put the shirt on. He then came back & talked about Sludge…saying “all I have to say is 27 questions”, then did a song (I don’t remember which one…I was pretty sauced)! Once the song was done he continued to talk about Sludge saying…”if you don’t know what Metal Sludge is, it is a website that talks about who people have slept with last night” & “that he should get the prestigious SUPER BALLS award for wearing the shirt”…one thing I was disappointed in was that he didn’t say that you called him “Froggy” or plug the actual address of the site (maybe I have earned the right to be the next Sludgeaholic of the Month???????????).

Let me finish by saying this….it was WELL worth the money spent on my Sludge shirt, airfare, room & rental car to see Jani Lane in that shirt, I would, without a doubt, do it all over again!!!!!!!!!!!! That was money was sooooooo well spent! I pray that I have made Sludgeaholics worldwide laugh as hard as I did last night (and let me tell you, I laughed my fucking ass off!!!!!!!!)! I took about 10 pictures of Jani in the shirt, so as soon as I get a photo (maybe today or tomorrow), I will try to be the first to email it to you!

Peace, Love & Sludge,
Doro Petrucci

Thanks for the email and being the person to throw Jani the shirt! You have definitely earned the right to be the next Sludgeaholic Of The Month! But you aren’t the first to send us pictures because we just got some in. Here are photos of Jani in the Sludge shirt at Harpos.

Hey Guys,
Here are some photos I took of Jani wearing the Metal Sludge shirt. I was kind of in the back so I didn’t get closeups, but you can make out the shirt well enough.

Doro Petrucci finally sent in her picture of Jani as well.

Ok Metal Sludge…. Here is a picture of Mr. Lane in the shirt!

If we get more pictures, we’ll put them up.

Speaking of Warrant’s shows this weekend, here’s an email we got on Warrant’s show in Columbus on January 19th.

Went to the Warrant show last night at Al Rosa Villa in Columbus. The place was packed and Warrant played a killer show. The crowd was really into it. They did pretty much the same set they did last time they were in the area but it was still pretty damn cool. After the set, everyone in the band came out (except Jani) and signed autographs and took pictures with people.

There were two Metal Sludge references. One direct, one indirectly…
1. At some point in the show (maybe during the legalize pot/give me some pot speech), Jani asked for someone to give him some Jose Cuervo. Then he said something like “maybe I shouldn’t, then it’ll end up on Metal Sludge”.
2. Then before the ballad medley, Jani said something like “I’m not going to apologize for this next part of the show, since I’ve been criticized for that.” He still referred to it as the “pussy” part of the show, but didn’t actually apologize. And come to think of it, he didn’t bum a single smoke from the audience. Someone threw a joint up on stage after he did his pot speech, but no cigarettes.

I am in awe of the influence of Metal Sludge.

See the power we have?! Jani didn’t bum smokes or apologize for writing songs! Pretty soon we’ll be managing Warrant. If they stick with us, they’ll be selling more records than Creed!

Jani is also in lead for winning the Honorary Super Balls Award which is given out by the Sludgeaholics. But this Super Balls Award he’s winning now is from us. We’ve said a lot of shit about Jani and Warrant, but he’s obviously listening to the criticism and trying to be down. He didn’t have to wear our shirt on stage or even plug us to the huge Harpos crowd, but he did! Who would have thought that? So we are left with no choice but to back Warrant. If you don’t agree with that, too fucking bad.

But we will say if Sebitchian Bach or Dana Strum think they can get on our good side by wearing a Metal Sludge shirt, that ain’t gonna happen!

We’ll post pictures of Jani on stage wearing our shirt as soon as we get them in. If you were at Harpos and took pictures, send them in!

And if you’d like to be like Jani and wear a Metal Sludge shirt, you are in luck. We just so happen to have some for sale! Imagine that. Check out our Sludgendise Section for that. We’d also like to thank all the Sludgeaholics who wear our swag to concerts!

Once again, congratulations to Jani for winning this prestigious award and be able to hang. If this trend keeps up, pretty soon we will be having Dr. Lane giving out advice!

Just kidding Rikki.

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