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Helix frontman set to release “Gimme an R!”

HELIX frontman Brian Vollmer.


The following was sent to us by Mr. Vollmer. We back this buy 100%. Let us jog your memory with a few great song titles. "Heavy Metal Love", "Deep cuts the knife" and of course, the ever popular "Rock You (R-O-C-K)."

Dear Helix friend,

Very shortly I will be releasing my autobiography “Gimme an R!”  I hope you will support me on this project and pick one up.  Although the book will not be back from the printers until December 1st I am now taking advance  orders through the merchandise section of the Planethelix.com website.  Makes a great Christmas gift for any rocker/metalhead!


Your friend,

Brian Vollmer


Metal Sludge

Heavy Metal Sludge



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