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Eddie Trunk talks about Bret/Poison strained relationship.

Eddie Trunk talks about Bret/Poison strained relationship.


Bret Michaels with Denise Richards

Well it seems like Bret Michaels has stirred the pot with his lip synching face plant at the Tony’s. And his profile has jumped on the star meter according to various search engines as well. Everyone from Perez Hilton to Bill O’Reilly are covering this.

Eddie Trunk says this below.

Eddie Trunk wrote this blog: 6/8/09: Got a bunch of emails about the Bret Michaels/Tony accident. I was not watching the show live. Even though it was a rock band playing, I am not, and never have been, a fan of Broadway and that whole musical style/singing, etc. Anyway most important Bret is a friend and I wish him well and hope his injuries are not serious. However there is a back story to all this that nobody knows or is talking about. When Rikki Rockett was in my studio Friday night he came direct from the bands rehearsals for their performance at the Tony’s. Rikki had a video on his phone of the set and the band running through the song which was not played live, common for TV. It was a rehearsal more for where to be on the stage and learn where the props and production would be. Looking at the video I noticed Bret was not with the band and there was a stand in (Rikki’s assistant) for Bret. Rikki explained that Bret could not make rehearsals because he was doing a show with his solo band and would not join them until the day of the Tony’s. Later in the interview Rikki talked about how he wished Bret was more commited to Poison and was not a fan of him doing solo shows because it took away from the impact of Poison. All I could think of was Rikki saying this Friday night on my show when I saw Bret’s accident on national TV. My immediate thought was the band, who have a strained relationship with Bret over the years anyway, just shaking their head when this happened that if Bret were there for rehearsal, and not with the solo band this probbaly would not have happened. Also, if you are a Poison fan at all, you know that Bret and the band always joke about so many crazy mishaps through their career at major moments. Chalk another one up on the list! Thank goodness that the injury was not super serious at all, and again, feel better Bret. Typical stuff in the every crazy world of Poison!

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