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Lita Ford & Jim Gillette are they super freaks?

Lita Ford & Jim Gillette are they super freaks?


Lita on her relationship with Gillette: "
We’re getting freakier and freakier."


Lita Ford Sets 9/19 Release Date For Her Rocking Return to Action on Wicked Wonderland

Heavy Metal’s High Mistress Blasts Back With Hard & Erotic CD & Hits The Road

Ends 15-Year Hiatus From Touring to Play U.S. & Europe With New Band

(Los Angeles) Has marriage, motherhood and living on a desert island mellowed out Lita Ford? Not a chance in hell, and in fact quite the opposite. As she says of her upcoming album, Wicked Wonderland, it’s “heavier than ever, nastier than ever, more sexual than ever.” Her sizzling lineup of new music hits the streets on September 19, with its first single dropping in July.

“With these songs I tried to show that you can be a mom, have a family, make dinner and still be a freak with your man when the kids go to sleep,” she says of the material on Wicked Wonderland, written in collaboration with her husband Jim Gillette (former lead singer of Nitro) and  Greg Hampton. “Just because we’re getting older and have real lives doesn’t mean we have to get boring, Actually, we’re getting freakier and freakier.”

The proof of that is found on her first new studio recording in 18 years, which features her trademark guitar star chops and hard rocking intensity fired up and renewed to match anything on the market today for sheer metallic power. Then add to that what she calls “very personal lyrics” on songs like  "Love"  “Indulge” and “Crave” that open the door to Lita’s bedroom and show that “me and Jim are freaks,” she says. “There will be no denying that when everyone hears the new songs. It’s raunchy filth with a touch of class and a whole lotta ass!”

The rock’n’roll bug bit Lita  at the age of 13 when her cousin took her to a Black Sabbath concert. “It changed my life,” she recalls. “I wanted to become the person on the stage. I wanted to create the energy that I felt that night. It was a life changing experience.” And to wit, she went on to later score her biggest hit with the singer onstage that night, Ozzy Osbourne, when their duet “Close My Eyes Forever” barreled into the Top 10 of the pop charts in 1989.

Throughout her solo career and earlier days as a member of The Runaways, Lita has proven “that chicks can rock a guitar” as well as sing, write and lead a hard rocking group right alongside the guys.   Lita and band will be playing select U.S. and European festivals, bike rallies and headlining dates this summer before following the album’s release with a full-scale tour.

“The live show is all about forgetting everything and having fun,” says Lita . “I want the audience to forget all their problems and responsibilities for an hour and just rock and feel that intense energy that I did when I was 13. Hopefully I can cause the same kind of impact that my first concert had on me!”

6/12     Piercy, CA                       Redwood Run Biker Rally

6/13     Jackson, CA                     Jackson Rancheria Casino

6/21    Zaragosa, Spain                 Meltaway Festival

6/26    Balingen, Germany             Bang Your Head Festival           

6/27    Monza, Italy                       Gods Of Metal Festival

6/30    Athens, Greece                  Rockwave Festival

7/3       Milwaukee, WI                  Summerfest 

7/4      Bridgeview, IL                    Bridgeview Music Jam

7/17    Walker, MN                       Moon Dance Ranch Jam Festival

7/24    North Tonawanda, NY      Molson Canal Concert Series

7/26     Ridgefield, CT                   The Ridgefield Playhouse

8/3      Sturgis, SD                         Sturgis Motorcycle Rally/Buffalo Chip Campground

8/22     Algona, IA                         Rock Gone Wild Festival

9/5      Cleveland, OH                   Taste Of Cleveland/Time Warner Cable Amphitheater

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