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Frankie Banali on Jack Russell comment:

Banali on Russell; “He seems to forget how much fan blood he has on his hands”kevinfrankie2.jpg

Classic of Quiet Riot’s Kevin DuBrow & Frankie Banali


Quiet Riot drummer fires back at Great White singer Jack Russell: “He seems to forget how much fan blood he has on his hands for the Rhode Island crime”

Posted By: Metal Sludge

Los Angeles, CA — The voice of Great White, also knows as Jack Russell recently did an extensive interview with MAXIMUM THRESHOLD. In that interview Russell commented on many bands who have went through the singer / band turmoil.

The list of bands mentioned were Van Halen, LA Guns, Guns N’ Roses, Warrant and Quiet Riot. Jack’s thoughts on Quiet Riot were as follows:  “Put a fork in it! Without Kevin how can you have Quiet Riot?”

Never at a loss for words, Banali fired off a email to Sludge head quarters.

Frankie Banali – Quiet Riot Drummer writes:

I couldn’t care less about Jack Russell, what he thinks or his opinions because it’s coming from an individual who seems to forget how much fan blood he has on his hands for the Rhode Island crime.

But let me get to the heart of the matter…… When I hear Jack Russell’s name, his opinions, his rants or his vocal abilities, this is how QUIET RIOT reacts……


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Metal Sludge

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