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Gene Simmons of KISS stands by Michael Jackson pedophile accusations


                                  Gene Simmons says Michael Jackson was a pedophile

Gene Simmons of KISS stands by Michael Jackson pedophile accusations

Posted By: Metal Sludge


Gene Simmons stands by MJ Pedophile Accusations

Gene Simmons is embroiled in a Twitter feud with a Michael Jackson fan, three years after he expressed his belief that the late King of Pop “molested kids.”

The feuding began after a fan supporting Wade Robson – the professional choreographer who claims Jackson molested him as a child – reached out to the KISS frontman for his support on social media, as RadarOnline first reported. “Gene I am fighting for a man who claims to have been abused by Michael Jackson, Wade Robson, I need your help.”

A Jackson fan then responded, “Gene Simmons never even met much less knew MJ – what are you bothering him for?!!!”

The rocker then tweeted to both, “In 80s, i went out w/Diana Ross, we visited Michael Jackson. You don’t know me. Don’t make up things about me.”

Simmons continued, “FACT, He paid a family $22 million to settle one case. FACT, He paid $3.5 mil to another family. I stand by my words.”

He added, “Millions around the world believe he was. Difficult to believe. That does not mean it’s untrue.”

Simmons infamously told Classic Rock magazine in 2011, “Well, you know, where there’s smoke there’s fire,” he said regarding accusations that Jackson abused young boys. “There’s no question in my mind he molested those kids. Not a doubt.”

Organizers of a Jackson tribute concert in Cardiff, Wales on Oct. 8, 2011 dropped KISS from the lineup after receiving widespread criticism for booking the band despite critical comments toward the late pop singer by the legendary bassist.

Jackson was accused of molesting a 13-year-old boy in 2005 and was eventually acquitted of all charges. He also settled a similar case out of court in 1993. 


Article found on the New York Post

Metal Sludge

Gene Sludge

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