Home / News / Bonus Sludge / Jack Russell’s Great White loses 3rd band member in 3 months. It’s also alleged Jack parted ways with management & agent is on the chopping block?

Jack Russell’s Great White loses 3rd band member in 3 months. It’s also alleged Jack parted ways with management & agent is on the chopping block?

Jack Russell’s Great White, checking them off, 1 by 1 = 3 down in 3 months, whose next?



Jack Russell’s Great White loses 3rd band member in 3 months


Man Over Board Again? — It seems that Jack Russell’s Great White just might be a sinking ship. Or is he rebuilding the ship? Again.

The rumors, which for the most part became public knowledge and came out as truthm were at times shamefully admitted to by Russell himself. The list has run the spectrum in recent years with Jack Russell the original voice of Great White. The most sensitive was his use of a colostomy bag, having to use a wheel chair, a cane daily, falling down on stage and countless accusations of heavy drug use and abuse. And lets not forget the worst of it – he tragic fire that took so many innocent lives. One can only wonder what will happen next. It’s anyone’s guess. But one thing is for sure, the band members are dropping off Jack Russell”s Great White sailboat like hairbands flew off their major labels in 1992.

In recent months bassist Dario Seixas abruptly departed Jack Russell’s Great White. This got a little ugly back in July after the Brazilian born ‘hair flipper’ helped Russell stabilize the line up since his ‘newly’ launched “Jack Is Back” campaign. Jack and his all new version of Great White seemed to be gaining some momentum with the end of the much publicized lawsuit with his former band Great White. No sooner did the lawsuit settle, that band members started dropping like flies.

It got a little uglier in August when Seixas said “I can play Great White songs with my hands tied behind my back.”

Fans then posted all over social networks and seemed to have missed the flamboyant performer on bass. But Jack moved forward with a new tour bringing back old blood with Tony Montana. And all seemed well. Or was it? That line up only lasted a few weeks when suddenly and swiftly Matthew Johnson evaporated from the bands tour line up.

Now a post from Derrick Pontier (drums) hit facebook this week and it looks like he too has jumped ship.

At this rate Jack Russell will have to call the band Less White as he’s not gonna have anyone left on stage with him.

GW_Jack_Derrick_2013Jack Russell no longer has Derrick Pontier on the kit.


Derrick’s official facebook post is noted below.

“Hi everyone after giving this alot of thought I have decided to part company with Great White. It jas been a fun run…tho it is time to move on. There are alot of reasons for my decision, tho I am going to keep that to myself. I sent Jack a text tonight, not sure if he received it or not. By posting it on here he will know, and I mean disrespect. Also just wanted to let friends and fans know. Thank you all for your support. Derrick Pontier.”


One fan commented (below) in a private forum that management and Jack’s agent are also on the chopping block? We haven’t heard any confirmation on this yet, but anything is possible.

HNB Posted:
1: I’m hearing Jack WON the lawsuit w/ GW
2: Derrek didn’t quit, he was fired.
3: only 2 members left, Jack and the one guitarist that wears Rock N Roll Gangstar tees
4: New agent, mgmt etc. Cleaned house apparently..
This is what I’m hearing just now.


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