Home / News / Bonus Sludge / Would you leave this pretty face stranded on the side of a road in an Exploded Tour Van? Help DIEMONDS Now!

Would you leave this pretty face stranded on the side of a road in an Exploded Tour Van? Help DIEMONDS Now!



Help Priya Panda and her band DIEMONDS fix their “Exploded Tour Van”


A message from the Canadian rock band DIEMONDS.

“After an awesome day in Chicago our beloved tour van shit the bed on an overnight drive – the engine exploded shooting out an assortment of shrapnel which in turn severed our brake line. Tommy was able to get the van under control (without any brake fluid!) and pull over.

We were stranded in the cold until a couple state troopers transported us to a nearby hotel where we are stuck until we find out the full extent of the damage to our rig.

Clearly this is going to be a hella expensive fix to get us back on the road. Feel free to check out our online merch store and pick up some diemonds swag in our time of need – http://www.diemonds.net/store – everything helps to keep this rock n roll show on the road! Much love from Buttfuck Nowhere illinois.”

Now a message from Metal Sludge.

We’ve featured this band DIEMONDS as a hot up n’ coming act to keep an eye on, If you haven’t done so yet – you should check them out. Fronted by the amazing Priya Panda, this band simply kicks ass.  The band is on tour again in the US from Canada and is having some major tour van issues. So we’d like to ask for you, the readers to help them out. Anything, $ 5.00, ten dollars, twenty or more!

To confirm that they in fact kick ass, check out their video below for “Take On The Night”

Now donate some money NOW to help DIEMONDS keep the Rock Alive – their direct Pay Pal is  deathbydiemonds@gmail.com

Send your money NOW, we did. YES we did. Metal Sludge just Pay Pal’d DIEMONDS $ 100.00

Now let’s all chip in, and support this great young, hard working rock band from Canada!




Metal Sludge


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