Home / Columns / Floyd's Mailbag / A HALLOWEEN MAILBAG FOR 10/31/04




With your host, bastard boy floyd!


Yes, I’m back. I don’t know why everyone was freaking out all week, but I was out of town on vacation! Apparently the ‘higher ups’ here at Metal Sludge forgot that I had put in my vacation request months ago. I wrote it out one night last August and slid it under Taime “Sex” Slaughter?s door. Yeah, OK, I scribbled it in crayon on the back of a slightly-used napkin from Hooter?s. So what? Metal Sludge vacation policy states that all requests be submitted in writing, so that?s what I did. Maybe the cleaning lady threw it out, but that?s not my fucking fault.

Anyway, if you didn’t already know, tonight is Halloween. Actually, I really did forget that this was the night that kids go around banging on doors and expecting you to give them candy and shit. I’ve already had 3 trick or treaters come to my trailer and I didn’t have shit to hand out, so I had to, uh, improvise. Here’s what I gave them:

  • The first kid was dressed as a ghost and I gave him a big handful of ketchup packets, taco sauce, soy sauce, tartar sauce and other assorted condiments.
  • The second kid was dressed as a witch and I gave her a stack of scratched lottery tickets. Of course, none of them were winners, but I threw them in her bag really quick, so maybe she won’t notice.
  • And I don’t even know what the fuck the third kid was dressed as, but they didn’t even come halfway to my trailer before they turned around and ran away. I don’t know what their problem was. Too bad, because I was going to give them a bunch of Monster condoms left over from Metal Sludge Extravaganza 9.

Anyway, I’m kind of half watching for more trick or treaters while I write this, so this is going to be a very quick mailbag. Let’s start with something we just got in from one of the other bands that played at the Vince Neil show in Kingston, Ontario where a riot nearly broke out.

Hey Sludge……

My name is Steve Scott. I am the drummer in ARAYASEYE’S. We opened for Vince Neil and his band on the 29th of October in Kingston, Canada. The place was crazy from the get-go….people were packed right along the stage from the moment we started, and security was pretty much non-existant.

We play our set, then the second band comes on ( Circuit, from Ottawa). The place is still crazy, but as soon as Vince hit the stage, people went berserk…..I was in the second row, and I didn’t even need to stand….people crushing against me could of held me up.

At that point, I decide to go grab a beer from our dressing room. Then, all of a sudden, no music, so I go out to see what is happening.I see Vince over by one of the exits, so I ask him what is happening…he tells me some idiot threw beer at him, and when he said something about it, some asshole fired a bottle at the band……along with grabbing Keri Kelli’s guitar neck, so he can’t play.

By this point, the crowd is getting pretty restless, and I’m thinking that there’s going to be a riot if the band doesn’t come back on.

By now, the bar had made a makeshift barricade with Vince’s road cases, and 4 or 5 burly doorman are sitting up in front of the stage, and myself and my drum tech are security at stage left.

After 15 minutes, Vince and the band come back on. They rocked the house, and he did apologize for leaving, but he did the right thing by letting everyone chill for a few, and get the situation back under control. And, he sounded great, and he looked good….he’s lost a lot of weight and was moving around pretty good.

I got to meet him and the band after the gig…..I know you guys like to slag on him, but he was very cool…almost meek…..I know you wouldn’t
expect from Vince Neil, but he was very cordial to everyone that came up to greet him, or ask for an autograph or a picture.His bandmates were very cool also….Brent Fitz is a killer drummer,it was great to watch him play. Keri and Alan were totally professional, and very cool to meet.

I just wanted to send this just so everyone would realize that even “rock stars” are human also, and they don’t need to put up with bullshit like this.

Steve Scott

Well it sounds like Vince did the right thing by stopping the show to let everyone cool down, and it was cool of him to come back out and play after they took care of the crowd control.

Here’s something else Motley-related, this time regarding rumors of a reunion tour.

Just keepin you posted on the motley tour situation! I haven’t seen anything regarding what Kerrang! is refering to as the “mystery” band on Kerrang! TV today! I was at least expecting the ad you guys are getting in the states! Anyway, theres a post on the Kerrang website, saying that the “mystery” band will be announcing a return tour and details at 9am(GMT) on Wednesday 24th November on Kerrang! TV!

Lets hope Nikki was just pulling a “foreskin” on us!

Catch ya later sludge!


We’ll have to remember to pay attention on 11/24 and see what the word is on the Motley situation.

Here’s some feedback about this week’s 20 Questoins with King Diamond:

You fuckers rule for getting the King of Metal to do your asinine 20 questions. Actually these questions weren’t as jerky as I expected but were still quite good. Regardless of his avoiding talking shit I think it’s one of my top 10 20 questions. Keep it up.

I’m out like the Motley reunion…

Thank you for the King diamond 20 q’s. Its about time.

Hey Sludge,
Congrats on yet another big name for 20 Questions in getting Kind Diamond! What an intelligent guy, definitely a great interview. His music isn’t particularly to my liking (those I have heard some stuff I liked) but I know he is the best at what he does. And maybe best of all, he wasn’t one of those “rock and roll morons” who tries to sound “cool” by trashing cats, he actually understands what special animals cats really are. Sounds like whatever, but hey, the truth is the truth. I’ll take a cat over a dumb, smelly, dirty mutt anytime.

- Steven Fallon NYC

A mighty Horns Up m/ Hell Yea for the King Diamond 20 Questions.

As for no trick or treaters. The last four years I’ve driven by to see if anyone is hitting up Mr. Diamond for king size munchie bars no lights have been on at the house.

Could that be a possible King Diamond song in the making? No Candy for Halloween

Maybe I will just have to get out of the car on my annual King Diamond drive by and ring the door bell.

Isn’t that called “stalking?” Personally, I’d be afraid to bug King Diamond. Who knows, he might end up making you come in and talk to his cats.

Here’s some other e-mails about some recent interviews that we did, starting with feedback about Kane Roberts’ 20 Questions.


Just wanted to let you guys know you fucking rock and you did a great job interviewing Kane, he’s the coolest brother in the world and I’m privileged to wake up to his burnt toast in the morning.

My best regards,

Lourdes Lucas

I know it’s a little late, but that was a fan-fucking-tastic 20 Q’s with Matt Mercado! I used to help out local bands in Chicago years ago (Including one that really, really wanted to *be* Daisy Chain), and it was cool seeing names like “LSD” and “Barry Waterman” again. Plus, now I know Stanley’s real name! You even included Stay Out West-Home of the support pillar in the middle of the stage! Where do you dig up your info? You did fuck up on one thing, though…you listed “Chancer R,” but it was actually “Chances R.” Since it’s closed now, you could call it “Chances Were.” Heh. That was a great club-I saw Armored Saint there on my 20th birthday, and got a blowjob in the parking lot afterward. Thanks for the memories, Sludge! You guys rock!

This feedback about the 20 Questions with Glenn Hughes comes to us all the way from Kaliningrad, Russia. It’s from our November 2001 Sludgeaholic of the Month, Oleg Malashenko!

Hello guys,

Even though I’m pretty busy (or lazy?) lately I’d like to thank you for your surprise. Well, at least it was like a pleasant one for me. Mr.Hughes has always been my favorite rock singer and I even thinkhe’s got the best pipes in rock’n’roll community of those past decades. And I give him more sludge love for being so cool to visit Russia several times with killer concerts. Can’t wait to hear the results of his music collaboration with a Moscow’s Mayor deputy. That’ll be some rocking for sure!

Sludge & Coffee $ Vanilla

Well that was good to hear from Oleg again! We like it when our former Sludgeaholics and Sludgettes of the Month check with us every so often.

And believe it or not, we’re STILL getting feedback about Eddie Jackson’s 20 Questions. Here’s the latest one:

Hey Sludge,

Just wanted to put in my two cents on the Eddie Jackson 20 Questions. I found it interesting that Eddie answered the following question for you the way that he did:

Passed out in a Starbuck’s = No, because I don’t drink coffee.

Because when I Interviewed him for RockRage last year, he knew a lot about coffee in Seattle (and was quite enthusiastic about it):

RR: If I were in Seattle, where would I get a good cup of coffee? (I don’t think Eddie realized it was a wise-ass question)

EJ: Oh geeze, you could go just about anywhere. There’s an abundance of shops. Starbucks, Tully’s, you’re going to find coffee shops everywhere.

Here’s the full interview: http://www.rockrage.com/interview/queensryche.html


George Dionne

It turns out that Eddie Jackson has actually given us one of our most popular interviews in quite some time. We’ve gotten tons of e-mail about it and it still keeps coming on in. His 20 Questions got a lot of people talking and we like that. Thanks Eddie!

Alright, that’s all the time I have for the Halloween mailbag. Some trick or treaters are coming up to my trailer door now. Luckily for them, I have a big stack of unopened CDs to give them, all from unsigned bands who keep sending us shit, hoping we’ll ressurect our old “Rock on the Decline” section. Who knows? Maybe we’ll actually consider doing that soon.

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